CS 1.6 torrent download.
CS 1.6 torrent - This is a file that is generated using one of few torrent application's (uTorrent, BitTorrent for example). You can use CS 1.6 torrent file if your internet connection isn't very fast and/or if the download of Counter Strike 1.6 setup file takes longer than usual.
If you don't have any torrent application just visit official uTorrent website follow instructions, download and install uTorrent application - http://www.utorrent.com
You don't know how to download this file? It's not a problem, just click CS 1.6 torrent download button which is below this text and download will finish immediately because all torrent files take up only few kbs.
You just installed uTorrent application, downloaded this file, but you don't know how to start CS 1.6 downloading using uTorrent (or another) application? It's not a problem too, you just need to open CS 1.6 torrent file (double click on it) wait a moment, click OK button and wait for download finish, that's all! Enjoy!