CS Boost What it is and how it work?
CS Boost - It's CS 1.6 server advertisement service. How does this service work? Immediately after service purchase, your server will be added to www.Gametracker.lt MasterServer, it can help players find a list of servers, more than 20 thousands of players from around the world visit's our MasterServer and server's which is added to our MasterServer.
How player's visit's our MasterServer? Thousands of players daily downloads of our CS setup file, our CS client have installed www.Gametracker.lt MasterServer. Servers which are placed in our MasterServer will every minute visited players from around the world. Below are a few photos of our CS client. If you want to buy boost, just click button which is below screen-shot's, if you'll click button you'll open new skype chat with boost owner.